Ex. Jon Bernthal, Ben Barnes, Amber Rose Revah & more talk The Punisher S2!

When it comes to tales of vengeance, the story of Marvel’s The Punisher was one that always stood out. While there has been a ton of talk about the Netflix series starring Jon Bernthal, it took a bit for me to finally take it in. When I did tune it, it stuck with this viewer. From the premiere episode to the upcoming season two premiere, the series impressed on many levels. While much of that comes from the incredible stunt work and the character itself, the cast really brought the series home. From Jon Bernthal’s fantastic work, to Amber Rose Revah’s layered performance, to Ben Barnes’ taking on one of his most interesting characters, the series quickly become a must watch.

Recently, I had the extreme pleasure to sit down and chat with some of the cast involved in this fiercely intense series. First, it was Ben Barnes and Amber Rose Revah. The two opened up about returning for season two and what is new for both. Ben discussed how Billy Russo is making his transition into Jigsaw, yet how the character is given a bit of depth throughout the season. As for Amber, she opened up about taking on more challenges, and how Dinah Mandani is dealing with her own trauma from last season. I’m more than thrilled to see these two characters’ dark connection continue.

Next up, we spoke to the great Jon Bernthal, as well as Giorgia Whigham who is a terrific edition to the show. The two talked about finding the right chemistry between Frank Castle and Amy Bendix, and how their relationship grows this season. And as for Bernthal and the uncertain future of another season, I asked what his thoughts are continuing on as Castle perhaps in another arena. It is clear that the actor loves playing the role, and frankly, he is fantastic. Are you ready to see what’s coming up for The Punisher in season two? Personally, I can’t wait. And none of us need to wait very long.

The Punisher Season 2 takes aim this Friday on Netflix.

Source: JoBlo.com

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JimmyO is one of JoBlo.com’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.