REEL ACTION: Out for Justice, starring Steven Seagal

Last Updated on July 23, 2021

Rating: 3.5 out of 4 /Buy the DVD Here

Tagline: He’s a cop. It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to take out the garbage.

Directed by: John Flynn
Starring: Steven Seagal, William Forsythe, Jerry Orbach, Gina Gershon and Julianna Marguiles

THE PLAN: Brooklyn-born tough guy Gino Felino (Steven Seagal) is a cop on a mission: Find the scum who killed his partner and bring him to justice. But this scum in particular (William Forsythe) has an advantage: he’s crazier than a shit-house rat.

THE KILL: OUT FOR JUSTICE is probably the best pure Steven Seagal vehicle. UNDER SIEGE may be a better film overall, but we all know it’s a DIE HARD clone on a aircraft carrier, with Seagal just a McClane substitute; JUSTICE, however, is the kind of movie Seagal was born for. A hard-edged urban thriller with the pony-tailed one utilizing his bad attitude and even badder ass-kicking skills to dispose the streets of their druggies, creeps, gangsters and crooks. He had played variations of the role in ABOVE THE LAW, MARKED FOR DEATH and HARD TO KILL, but he really perfected it in OUT FOR JUSTICE.

“Forget about it Gino… It’s Goombahtown.”

Seagal’s Gino is really the classic “shoot first, ask questions later” kind of cop; although it’s really more like, “karate chop someone in the face first, then tell them to get the f*ck outta here”. In the movie’s first five minutes, he beats the ever-loving hell out of a ho-beating pimp. Of course, this is because Gino has morals – he beats who needs to be beaten.

And who really needs a good beating? That would be Richie Madano, a vicious street hood played by William Forsythe like a rabid dog on coke. Richie does shoot first and ask questions later, as he proves right after his introduction: Richie blows away Gino’s partner – in front of his wife and kids, no less. Minutes later, in a moment truly shocking and disturbing, Richie blows away an innocent woman while she sits in a car. Obviously, this guy needs to be stopped, but the cops aren’t up to the task. This guy knows Brooklyn, he can scurry into any hole. The local mob can’t control him either, they hate the bastard just as much as anyone… but they’re out of their league with this psycho. No, this is Gino’s all the way…

The OUT FOR JUSTICE trailer!

OUT FOR JUSTICE is a ruthless, relentlessly violent crime thriller, with an action set-piece popping up roughly every 6 or 7 minutes. Granted, most of the set-pieces involve Seagal beating a bunch of guys to within an inch of their life, but it’s never been more fun to watch than it is here. This isn’t Seagal phoning it in, performance-wise, either. The man’s charisma and intensity are on full display here, showcasing the chops that made him such a star. Seagal is at his best when it looks like he’s having fun, and he’s definitely having a blast here. Forsythe is his equal: the actor, known for playing bad guys, portrays such a sleazy, detestable creep in this, you can’t wait for the guy to get the ass-whopping that he deserves. (No doubt, the movie revels in the finale, where Richie gets completely destroyed.) What’s so great about him, however, is that he’s electric whenever he’s on the screen. Your hate for him is palpable, but you love watching him go off. That’s a fine performance right there, and a terrific villain.

Director John Flynn is not flashy, but is quite competent, which is really what this kind of movie needs. (Actually, what most movies need). His action scenes are swift and well directed – they include lots of cuts, but not of the obnoxious Michael Bay sort, where you’re suddenly unsure of where the hell you are and who is punching who. The supporting actors, mostly Italians with extreme goombah accents, are all entertaining. The script is tight, tight enough for what it needs to be. (It’ll never be mistaken for David Mamet.) The locations are authentic, which goes a long way in a movie like this (no Toronto substitution here). All in all, it’s just a damn good time, full of machismo, ass-kicking and Seagal at his best.

Bobby Lupo, we hardly knew ye…

TOP DEATH: Most of the deaths in this flick are standard shootings – in the head, chest, etc. Near the end, Seagal gets sick of that and blows a dude’s legs off below the knee. We never exactly see the guy croak (he just kind of hops around complaining about his newfound sucky situation) but his shin dies a pretty gruesome death.

TOP ACTION: The bar sequence – where Seagal takes out a legion of drunks, tattooed bikers, wise guys and Asian pool cue-wielders – is the tits. (Love the phone booth bit.)

FEMALE EXPLOITATION: Gina Gershon and Juilliana Marguiles both show up, lookin’ young and hot, but neither shed much in the way of clothing. Bummer.

HOMOEROTIC MOMENT: Seagal has some serious love for an abandoned puppy. Not gay but… cute.

TOP DIALOGUE: “Anybody seen Richie?! C”mon, I can say that all day…

DRINKING GAME: Take a shot every time Seagal’s Italian accent gets way out of hand. You’ll be roaming the streets asking for Richie all night…

TRIVIA: OUT FOR JUSTICE screenwriter David Lee Henry also wrote the 80s “classic” ROAD HOUSE.

According to IMDB, Steve Seagal accidentally broke William Forsythe’s nose during the climactic fight scene.



Source: Arrow in the Head

About the Author

Eric Walkuski is a longtime writer, critic, and reporter for He's been a contributor for over 15 years, having written dozens of reviews and hundreds of news articles for the site. In addition, he's conducted almost 100 interviews as JoBlo's New York correspondent.