James Gunn confirms the release date for Super and throws in some stills for our amusement

James Gunn has spent the past week or so basically being like this, “I know when SUPER is going to be released and you don’t.” Then I’m sure he said something about ground sirloin moisturizer and having two penises because that’s how he rolls.

Well, Gunn’s plan to release the date on his own was foiled by SuperHeroHype so he just said f*ck it and confirmed the news that the movie would open on April 1, 2011 in New York and Los Angeles. Then the rest of us can have it in limited release on April 8, 2011. He mentioned that it will be on VOD around that time as well. Also, James has no idea what theaters will be playing the film so he suggests that you request it wherever you live. He can’t do it for you. He’s too busy taking pictures of Michael Rooker putting his girlfriend in an oven.

The director was kind enough to give up two new stills from the movie. One is of Kevin Bacon and Rainn Wilson enjoying some breakast and the other is Ellen Page dressed up as her alter-ego Boltie.

Source: IFC, JamesGunn.com

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