Meet the couples from Roman Polanski’s Carnage in this new still

Regardless of how you feel about Roman Polanski, the guy is still making films that attract great actors/actresses. CARNAGE is a great example of that.

Jodie Foster, John C. Reilly, Kate Winslet and Christoph Waltz are the center of a story adapted from the stage. The four thespians, “play two couples who come together one evening to discuss the behaviour of their children, only for things to quickly become heated.”

CARNAGE was once known by the original title, GOD OF CARNAGE but it was changed recently. Perhaps for religious reasons or as to not confuse comic fans into thinking it’s a movie about the villain, Carnage.

Empire got some exclusive photos from the set. One is the header and the other two are below. It should be interesting to see the dynamic between the couples play out.

Here’s a more detailed summary of the film:

“Set in present-day New York City, God of Carnage is the story of two married couples who meet for the first time shortly after their respective sons have a nasty schoolyard tangle. Michael and Veronica, whose son’s teeth were knocked out with a stick, invite Alan and Annette, whose son did the knocking, to their home to settle matters such as who will pay for new teeth. But any attempt at having a civilized discussion about whose child is responsible for the fight, and how the parents may have influenced such destructive behavior, quickly devolves into finger-pointing, name-calling, stomping around and throwing things. And that’s before they break out the rum!”

Source: Empire

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