PETA will not go quietly into the night! After voicing concerns regarding animal cruelty in Jackass Forever, following the release of the film’s trailer, the organization has now reached out to Los Angeles prosecutors to demand a criminal investigation into the filmmakers of the movie over alleged animal cruelty.
Here is what PETA’s press release has to say about the matter:
“PETA’s attention has been drawn to the production of the upcoming Paramount Pictures movie, filmed in Los Angeles County, the trailer for which shows Johnny Knoxville being charged by a bull, Sean McInerney being bitten on the nose by a snake, and a tarantula trapped in a plastic tube between Ehren McGhehey and Compston Wilson’s heads. PETA notes that these activities appear to violate California’s prohibitions on bullfighting and similar exhibitions, causing any animal to fight with a human, and cruelty to animals-and that other acts of cruelty may well have been committed on set without making it into the trailer or the film’s final cut. Tormenting real animals for stupid stunts normalizes cruelty, encourages others-including minors-to harm animals, and violates California law. PETA is asking the authorities to hold Jackass Forever accountable for any violations and reminds the film industry that animal abuse cannot be tolerated.”
In regards to the bull charge and other animal acts in the film, per the press release, PETA notes that when bulls charge or attack, it’s “often a result of having been taunted, while snakes are naturally reclusive and typically retreat from humans unless provoked. Tarantulas are sensitive to vibrations, which they use to detect danger, a trait that makes loud sounds and foreign environments especially stressful for them.” It’s also worth noting that the foundation’s motto includes, in part, that “animals are not ours to use for entertainment.”
After the release of the film’s first trailer, PETA demanded that Paramount Pictures cut all stunts involving animals. Paramount Pictures did not respond to their request and that’s why the organization has moved forward with the criminal probe.
Jackass Forever brings back Jeff Tremaine to direct with returning cast members that include Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, “Wee Man” Acuna, Chris Pontius, Dave England, Ehren McGhehey, and Preston Lacy. The new cast members joining the debauchery include Sean “Poopies” Mclerney, Jasper Dolphin, and Zach Holmes. Jackass Forever will also feature appearances from mainstream celebrities such as Machine Gun Kelly, Tony Hawk, Mat Hoffman, DJ Paul, and Eric Andre
Jackass Forever hits theaters on February 4, 2022
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