Deadpool spinoff

If both comic fans and casual moviegoers wondered why characters like Gambit and Wade Wilson (eventually Deadpool) were ham-handedly jammed…

Wolvie sequel…

It’s a move that was widely expected. Hugh Jackman has talked openly about his desire to take Wolverine to Japan…

Your review: Wolverine

Whether you saw it last night at the midnight screenings, are skipping work/school to check it out first thing this…

Review: Wolverine

Plot: James Logan aka Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), and his half-brother, Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber), are born with mutations that make…

Brutal Wolverines

So WOLVERINE mania has officially hit our quiet, unsuspecting planet, and fears of a weak box office performance have been…

Wolvie updates

After the calamity with a workprint leak online, WOLVERINE could use some good news. And if early ticket sales are…

Wolvie still pissed

Apple recently unloaded a new trailer for X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE that they’re branding an “exclusive clip”, for some reason, and…

Wolvie character vids

Why settle for mere character snapshots from X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE when you can let the mutants just introduce themselves? In…

Yet more Wolvie pics

It’s just a couple more weeks before mutie hoedown X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE finally hits screens in a legitimate fashion, but…

Wolvie flies & claws

Two bits of media for the upcoming comic adapted X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE were recently released. First up, the cool peeps…

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