V/H/S/94, the fourth film in the V/H/S found footage anthology franchise, is now available to watch through the Shudder streaming service in North America, the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, and you can read my 7/10 review of it at THIS LINK. If you’re still not quite convinced that you should check this one out, we’ve gotten our hands on a trio of clips from the film that can be seen in the embed above. The clips are then follow by the trailer.
These clips offer previews of three of the film’s five stories. First up is a moment from Lowlife director Ryan Prows’ segment Terror. After that comes a look at Holy Hell, the wrap-around segment directed by Jennifer Reeder (Knives and Skin). And the final clip comes from Storm Drain, directed by Chloe Okuno – best known for directing the short film Slut.
The segments not represented by clips are Empty Wake, directed by Simon Barrett (Seance), and The Subject, directed by Timo Tjahjanto (The Night Comes for Us).
V/H/S/94 has the following synopsis:
After the discovery of a mysterious VHS tape, a brutish police swat team launch a high intensity raid on a remote warehouse, only to discover a sinister cult compound whose collection of pre-recorded material uncovers a nightmarish conspiracy.
Josh Goldbloom produced V/H/S/94 for Cinepocalypse Productions, alongside Kurtis Harder and Bloody Disgusting’s Brad Miska, the co-creator of the franchise. David Bruckner, Radio Silence, Studio 71’s Michael Schreiber, Zak Zeman, Tom Owen, and Raven Banner Entertainment’s Michael Paszt, James Fler, and Andrew T. Hunt served as executive producers.
The V/H/S franchise has been more miss than hit for me overall, but I enjoyed watching V/H/S/94 and feel that it’s in competition with V/H/S/2 for being the best entry in the series. Let us know what you think of the V/H/S franchise by leaving a comment below.

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