Blake Lively to play a disgraced MMA fighter in Nick Cassavetes’ Bruised

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

Blake Lively MMA Bruised Nick Cassavetes

If you've ever wanted to see Blake Lively step into the cage and kick some major ass, well, you're about to get your wish. Deadline reports that Blake Lively is set to play the lead in BRUISED, a mixed martial arts action/drama which is being introduced to buyers at Cannes this week.

BRUISED will be directed by Nick Cassavetes (THE NOTEBOOK) and will find Blake Lively playing Jackie, "a single mother working two jobs and a disgraced MMA fighter who has been up against the ropes her entire life. When the authorities threaten to take her young son away from her, she must get back in the cage for one last chance to fight for redemption and give her son the life she always wanted." At first glance it sounds like pretty typical fare, but at least after fighting off a shark in Jaume Collet-Serra's THE SHALLOWS last summer, a human opponent should prove to be fairly easy for Blake Lively to handle.

Next up for Blake Lively will be ALL I SEE IS YOU, a visually-driven psychological thriller from Marc Forster (WORLD WAR Z) which tells the story of a blind woman (Blake Lively) and her husband (Jason Clarke), who upon the restoration of her sight, begins to discover previously unseen and disturbing details about themselves, their marriage and their lives. ALL I SEE IS YOU debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival last year and is currently set for an August 4, 2017 release.

Source: Deadline

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10529 Articles Published

Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.