COMIC BOOK REVIEW: Roman Dirge’s Lenore: Cooties!

Last Updated on July 23, 2021


Damn! What a nice surprise. I’d never heard of the LENORE series or author Roman Dirge, but who wouldn’t want to review a comic anthology about a Cute Little Dead Girl? Glad I did because this gem is a helluva lot of fun. In fact, I went out and bought a copy for my sister for Christmas right after I finished reading it. So what’s so f*cking great about it? Well let’s get into it.

First of course, is our anti-heroine Lenore. She’s a bi-polar, psychotic, delightful young lady. You can check out the panels below for a taste of her unique personality.

Temperamental and vengeful as one of Arrow’s exes obviously. She really is quite charming though, whether she’s falling victim to bloodthirsty field mice (not without cause however), or trying to dodge the armies of Heck who have been tasked with bringing her back to the Underworld.

Assisting Lenore is Ragamuffin, a vampire trapped in a doll’s body, and Pooty Applewater, a literal bucket head and badass bounty hunter from Heck who decides that life on Earth is more fun. She needs the help too, since the army I mentioned above is comprised of Nazi Zombies.

The story, while full of fun nuggets, is a bit thin on plot. That hardly matters though since the characters are so damn engaging, violent and fun that you’re happy to spend time with them regardless of what’s going on.

Adding to the festivities are interludes featuring Lenore based tattoo designs, real world experiences of the author (urinal with moving arms anyone?), and content from guest artists. These are all enjoyable, but also feel like they act as filler more than anything else, which speaks to the main weakness of the book.

It is very short, in fact, it’ll take you less than 30 minutes to read the whole thing even if you take your time with it. That may or may not be an issue for you, but for me I felt like I’d had a very satisfying tease rather than a truly awesome f*ck.

Overall though, this was a great read and I’ll pick up the rest of the series in the next few weeks. Not really any reason why a horror fan wouldn’t dig this series and I highly recommend you check it out. If you don’t, Lenore might just send her worm to eat your face.


Source: Arrow in the Head

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