Doctor Strange: Dimension War novel will pit the hero against Nightmare and Dormammu

Marvel and Titan Books are teaming up with author James Lovegrove for the prose novel Doctor Strange: Dimension War

Marvel and Titan Books have announced that they’re teaming up for the prose novel Doctor Strange: Dimension War, which is set to reach store shelves on March 26, 2024 – and it’s already available for pre-order on Amazon! Written by bestselling author James Lovegrove (The Age of Odin), this book is said to be revisiting the origin of the titular hero.

Here’s the official description: When arrogant physician Stephen Strange lost the ability to wield a surgeon’s knife, he embarked on a path of self-reflection, mysticism and discovery. Now equipped with magical powers, he battles tirelessly to defend the Earth from arcane threats that few humans can conceive of – battling rival sorcerers, thwarting Nightmare the malevolent ruler of dreams, and daring to defy the terrifying despot of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu.

Marvel notes that Doctor Strange: Dimension War is an introduction to “the foundational characters who have defined Doctor Strange through the years, such as the Ancient One, Wong, Clea, and his many adversaries. The novel follows Strange’s adventures to some of the weirdest places in the Marvel Universe—the dream kingdom of Nightmare, the Dark Dimension, and beyond!

Lovegrove provided the following statement: “I would have been seven or eight years old when I first read the Stan Lee/Steve Ditko Doctor Strange [comics]. I was instantly captivated by its intrinsic weirdness, its blurring of the line between superheroics and the supernatural. There was no other comic strip that looked like it, disorientated like it, revelled in its own extraordinariness like it. There was nothing stranger than Strange. I’ve come back to those tales several times since that first youthful immersion, and while revisiting them yet again in preparation for writing Dimension War I found them just as fascinatingly tricksy and woozily dizzying as I did when I was a kid. It’s almost impossible to re-create Ditko’s mad, daring artwork in prose form but I challenged myself to offer readers at least a taste of it while also giving them the opportunity to relish Lee’s exuberant, alliterative spellcasting chants and oaths [for] an unparalleled sense of cosmic grandeur and eldritch absurdity. My take on the early adventures of the Master of the Mystic Arts removes some of the original’s more outdated tropes, throws in a dash of Benedict Cumberbatch, and a pinch of wider Marvel lore. Dimension War marinades it all in modern sensibilities, with results that I hope will both satisfy purists and be appetizing to newcomers.

Sounds like a good time to me.

Does Doctor Strange: Dimension War sound like a book you would like to read? Share your thoughts on this one by leaving a comment below – and while you’re scrolling down, take a look at the cover:

Doctor Strange: Dimension War

Source: Marvel

About the Author

Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.