Dracula Untold will tie into Universal’s new monster universe

Last Updated on July 22, 2021

This makes sense. Okay, so we all know that Universal is relaunching their classic movie monsters, right? At the time of learning this fantastic news, DRACULA UNTOLD was a big question mark. Would it tie into the new monster universe, or was it going to be a wasted opportunity? Apparently it was going to be the latter. That is, until they did some reshoots. The reason for the reshoots was simply to connect the film to the upcoming movies should it find success at the box office, reports Badass Digest.

And even though the upcoming reboot of THE MUMMY, which is to be directed by Alex Kurtzman, will technically be the first film to get the entire universe rolling, they’re hoping DRACULA UNTOLD can be a sort of prologue to it all. It’s a win win, really. It the movie flops, they can just act like it never happened and make a new one. So, seeing as how THE MUMMY is going to be of the action-adventure variety, and DRACULA UNTOLD is essentially the same thing with CGI bats, hopefully Universal actually plans on making a horror movie out of, you know, their monsters… Wouldn't that be something?

Here's what DRACULA UNTOLD is about:

Luke Evans is starring as the most famous of vampires in an origin story that sees a Transylvanian prince risk eternal damnation in order to save his wife and son from a Turkish horde. Barks plays a figure in Eastern European folk tales known as a baba yaga, a beautiful young woman who turns into a savage witch. Kristjansson is Bright Eyes, an Eastern European taken as a slave as a young boy and now a vicious assassin in the Ottoman Army. Parkinson portrays Dracula’s son, named Ingeras.

The film also stars Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Zach McGowan, Samantha Barks, Thor Kristjansson and Art Parkinson. Look for it in theaters on October 10.

Sarah Gadon stars in DRACULA UNTOLD

Source: Badass Digest

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