El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie will screen at theaters in 68 cities

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

breaking bad, el camino, theaters

From even the earliest episodes, BREAKING BAD looks and feels cinematic in execution, from its pacing to its wide shots of the New Mexico plains that recall classic Western films. It would make sense, then, for the upcoming movie, EL CAMINO: A BREAKING BAD MOVIE, to at least have a limited run in theaters before hitting Netflix month, and that’s just what fans in certain cities are going to get as the movie will screen at theaters in 68 cities across the country.


Writer Rebecca Keegan took to Twitter to reveal the cities that will have EL CAMINO playing in select theaters – with the usual suspects like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago making the cut. As well, folks in Seattle, Portland, Denver, Des Moines, El Paso, and yes, Albuquerque – where both the movie and the show were filmed – will have screenings. While there’s no exact theater information yet, you can click on the tweet below to see if your city made the list.

Keegan posted the list on Twitter alongside her feature for The Hollywood Reporter with director and series creator Vince Gilligan and star Aaron Paul, who reprises his role of Jesse Pinkman. As it pertains to getting to see the movie on the big screen, the feature details how after wanting to shoot the series in a CinemaScope format like Westerns of old, Gilligan and DP Marshall Adams (BETTER CALL CAUL) shot the movie using an ARRI Alexa 65 camera (same as for the movie THE REVENANT), and in 2.39 widescreen format.

"This is my first movie as a director, and I have to say, it made me want some more of that," Gilligan said, having directed episodes of BAD and SAUL. "You truly have time to get things right. It feels very decadent."


Paul has remained mostly silent on the movie (as has everyone involved, considering it was made in secret over 18 months), but he opened up about returning to the role of Pinkman after believing he was done for good after the character escaped captivity at the end of the series finale. "I really loved Jesse,” he said. “I knew him better than anyone, but it was a big weight off of my shoulders to hang up the cleats and walk away. I thought it was goodbye, and I was OK with that.”

But after reading Gilligan’s script and trusting in his vision, he was back in New Mexico within months of getting that first call.

"But it's Vince we're talking about. I would follow Vince into a fire. That's how much I trust the man. I would do anything that he asked me to. It was so easy for me to just jump into where Jesse's at mentally, emotionally, because I lived and breathed everything he went through and then some, and so, honestly, it felt like a part of me had gone through that as well. All I had to do was just memorize these words and then play them out when they yelled 'action.' "

Other details about the show are being kept on the hush with less than a month left to go before release. What we do know is that recurring characters Skinny Pete (Charles Baker) and Badger (Matt Jones) will be returning, and in the report, it's revealed that a total of 10 characters from the series will be making appearances in the movie — just don't expect to know which for some time. 

EL CAMINO: A BREAKING BAD MOVIE will be in select theaters across the country and will hit Netflix on October 11. 

Source: THR, Rebecca Keegan

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