Face/Off 2: Travolta and Cage reportedly interested in returning!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

So this is potentially cool! Talking to Showbiz Cheat Sheet – ostensibly about his upcoming Godzilla vs. Kong – director Adam Wingard briefly discussed his upcoming Face/Off 2, and how it is contingent on the involvement of the stars from the original 1997 John Woo film, Nicolas Cage and John Travolta. The article even states: "Wingard says the actors are interested, but they still get script approval."

Wingard elaborated further:

Some people just assume when I say that that it just means it takes place in the world of Face/Off. To me, Face/Off isn’t about a procedure or anything like that. It’s not about the world that the characters exist in. It’s about Sean Archer and it’s about Castor Troy. That’s what this movie is about. It’s the continuation of that story. It’s hard to talk about other than that but this is, to me, the definitive continuation of that saga.

We’re still writing the script so it’s still in early phases…Simon and I are very close to turning in our draft to Paramount soon. We’ll have to get over those hurdles of do they like this movie? They’ve read our outline. Everybody’s on board with it but actually turning in the script’s a different thing so we’ll see how everybody reacts to it.

So what do you guys think? Fans of the original film? If so, looking forward to a sequel? Either way, sound off below!

Meanwhile, here's the official synopsis for first film:

Obsessed with bringing terrorist Castor Troy (Nicolas Cage) to justice, FBI agent Sean Archer (John Travolta) tracks down Troy, who has boarded a plane in Los Angeles. After the plane crashes and Troy is severely injured, possibly dead, Archer undergoes surgery to remove his face and replace it with Troy's. As Archer tries to use his disguise to elicit information about a bomb from Troy's brother, Troy awakes from a coma and forces the doctor who performed the surgery to give him Archer's face.

Source: Showbiz Cheat Sheet

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