Fans of Stranger Things–and there are many, as it’s Netflix’s darling–may not be ready for the show to wrap up after the next season, but star Finn Wolfhard (Mike Wheeler) says it would be “ridiculous” if it went on any longer than that.
“To me, if Stranger Things went on any longer than five, I would say it would be ridiculous. I think the Duffer brothers figured out, I would imagine, a perfect ending in five.” Wolfhard has a point here–really, how many great shows have worn out their welcome by going on for even one season too many? Wolfhard also noted that the show became a surprise hit. “We didn’t even know if we’d do two. So, we’re happy that people still are around and want to watch it.”
As for his own expectations for the end of Stranger Things, Finn Wolfhard said, “Four was huge in scale, but I think I’d like to see the fifth season draw back on more of the dynamics of season one, and sort of be a little more contained, but also still be gigantic. I hope we kind of get an ending for each character that’s pretty satisfying for fans.”
While Finn Wolfhard isn’t exactly excited for the looming conclusion of Stranger Things, he is antsy as to how the Duffers will wrap up the smash hit. “I just want to help finish it off, but not in a way of I want to be done with it. It’s just like I want to know what happens. I’m definitely sad about it, but also, I know that it’s the next kind of chapter of everyone’s life that needs to happen.”
Finn Wolfhard’s next–and current–chapters are busy. He recently had a voice in Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio and can currently be seen in Jesse Eisenberg’s directorial debut, When You Finish Saving the World. Later this year, he’ll continue starring in the Ghostbusters franchise, with the Afterlife sequel slated for December. He is also reportedly set to make his own directorial debut with a slasher movie.
What do you think? Should Stranger Things keep going or is five seasons enough to properly tell the stories? How do you hope the series will end? Let us know below!
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