Gerard Butler drops out of the Point Break remake

As the POINT BREAK reboot took some steps forward into production, it now will take some backwards as star Gerard Butler has dropped out of the production. Butler was set to take over the role of Bodhi, the surfing bank robber originally played by the late Patrick Swayze. Butler would have played opposite Luke Bracey who was cast in the Johnny Utah role played by Keanu Reeves in the 1991 action favorite.

The Hollywood Reporter broke the news of Butler bowing out of POINT BREAK and cites the reason as being a combination of creative differences and timing now that LONDON HAS FALLEN has a set production date. At this point, Alcon and director Ericson Core are still committed to a June start date of filming which means a replacement for Butler will need to be found very soon.

The entire concept of a POINT BREAK remake seemed a bad idea from the start. Kathryn Bigelow‘s movie is not exactly the best movie ever made but it is definitely a hell of a lot of fun and bridges that period between the late 80s and early 90s perfectly. It even made it’s way into a really great moment in Edgar Wright‘s HOT FUZZ. Maybe the lack of a big star will suddenly bring Alcon to their senses. But, until you hear otherwise, prepare to see POINT BREAK 2.0 sometime in the near future.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.