Gwyneth Paltrow says that Iron Man is “done” and there will not be a fourth film

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

With just a week to go until IRON MAN 3 hits theaters across North America, the media is beginning to explode with stories about everything and everyone tied to the film. So, pretty much everything that anyone says is going to be picked at with a fine tooth comb. So, it should be no surprise that when Gwyneth Paltrow signaled the end of the IRON MAN franchise, the Internet exploded.

In an interview with GeekNation, the actress was asked about the potential for Pepper Potts to get her own spin-off film or potentially don the RESCUE armor in IRON MAN 4. Her response was this:

“I don’t think there’s going to be [an Iron Man 4]. I think we’re done with Iron Man.”

Before you start freaking out and start a Kickstarter for IRON MAN 4, remember that Gwyneth Paltrow is not making a definitive statement here. Director Shane Black recently responded to Robert Downey Jr. saying he wanted to step away from the character after IRON MAN 3 and THE AVENGERS 2 to do other projects by saying he thinks Downey will return for another film. But, could he have just been referring to THE AVENGERS 2?

We need to face the fact there may not be another sequel after IRON MAN 3 and I am okay with that. We are going to be getting two Marvel movies a year for the next several years and there is no reason for any of them to be number 4 or 5 for any single superhero. If Iron Man only pops up in supporting roles for other heroes or even in an AVENGERS film every three or four years, I am fine with that. There is no way to maintain this many sequels without eventually losing quality.

Despite hearing rave reviews for IRON MAN 3, I hope Disney plays it safe and only makes an IRON MAN 4 if everything works. For now, let us enjoy the potentially last IRON MAN feature with these actors when it opens May 3rd.

Source: GeekNation

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5917 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.