Hodder gets Stingy

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

A couple months back, I introduced you guys to a new indie horror with a very chilling premise called STINGY JACK. I was really down with its dark, Halloween-centric plot. I also liked the fact that the flick’s director, Todd Langseth, was going after horror legend, Kane Hodder (above) for a leading role. And just today, I heard the good news…

Mr. Langseth got his legend! Hell yes, Mr. Hodder has officially signed on the bloody dotted line to play Duncan Jacobs, the onscreen brother of THE DEVIL’S REJECTS actor, Lew Temple. Apparently, both “genre brothers” are looking forward to sharing the screen together. Check out the synopsis that they’re involved in:

A small town called Emerson has a prohibition on Halloween that began back in 1957 when Esther Fowler witnessed her young son, Stevie, mowed down while trick-or-treating.

Plagued by this tragedy, plus odd sightings and strange occurrences, the townsfolk pressured their mayor into exacting a ban on All Hallow’s Eve and its festivities. For 40 years, the rule has remained in effect and the town of Emerson stayed at peace. That is, until David, his wife Kaitlyn and their 9-year-old son Jack take up residence and refuse to let the holiday go. But between the off-kilter inhabitants, a looming presence taking over David and the ever-increasing number of “shadow people,” it becomes clear to the family that a curse hovers over the town.

Sounds like one killer of a good time. My confidence in the flick is further piqued by Langseth’s citing of HALLOWEEN, THE FOG, and Stephen King as major influences. Can’t really go wrong with a Carpenter/King connection. Plus, JACK also stars Mr. Charles Cyphers, who just so happened to be in the original HALLOWEEN and FOG.

The rest of the cast includes Jason Priestley (THE SCREWFLY SOLUTION), Jennifer Rouse (CHAINSAW SALLY, below), Nastassia Markiewicz, and Simon Baily. Langseth co-wrote the script with Marie-Helene Tremblay. For more STINGY information, you can checkout its MySpace page here and its official site here.

Source: Fangoria

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