Disney+ Willow series begins pre-production!

Back in May, we passed along word Ron Howard was working on a sequel to his hit (scary as hell) fantasy flick WILLOW with Val Kilmer and Warwick Davis. And today we have word from SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY screenwriter Jon Kasdan that production has begun on the Disney+ series.

Check out his tweet below.


If you remember, Howard said back in May:

There are some really serious discussions going on with Jon Kasdan, who was one of the writers of Solo, who kept hounding me about Willow the whole time we were shooting and also hounding Kathy Kennedy. We’re in discussions about developing a Willow television show for the Disney+. And I think it’d be a great way to go. In fact, George always talked about the possibility of a Willow series, and it’d be great and more intimate, and built around that character and some of the others. And Jon Kasdan has, I think, an inspired take on it and it could be really, really cool.

Howard also confirmed Warkick Davis would return, saying the series will explore a “more mature Willow."

Warwick will be in it. Warwick is so cool and so good and he’s such a  good actor that I really hope we get the chance to see the mature Willow in action.

Howard directed the WILLOW from a screenplay by Bob Dolman based on a story by George Lucas. Its starred Warwick Davis as Willow, Val Kilmer as Madmartigan, Kate and Ruth Greenfield / Rebecca Bearman as Elora Danan, Joanne Whalley as Sorsha, and Jean Marsh as Queen Bavmorda.


Source: Twitter

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