Interview: Melissa Rauch and The Bronze cast talk MPAA, Gymnastics & more!

Melissa Rauch is absolutely delightful. The actress known for her work on the series The Big Bang Theory has given audiences a brand new anti-hero. THE BRONZE tells the story of foul-mouthed former gymnast Hope Annabelle Greggory. While she once became a local hero earning the bronze medal at the Olympics after a very serious injury, it all went downhill from there. Unfortunately for Hope, she holds on desperately to her former success which has made her bitter and angry. Things get even more upsetting when she is forced to train a young girl who may easily take away what little celebrity Hope had left.

Not being terribly familiar with The Big Bang Theory, I was still very aware of the talented Melissa Rauch. Sitting down with the actress was simply incredible. She is warm, funny and just an awesome person. It makes it all the more impressive how damn good she is in THE BRONZE. Written by her and her husband Winston, this comedy is a suprisingly dark comedy with a fun twist of heart.

As far as the men in Hope Annabelle Greggory's life, you couldn't find two better actors than Sebastian Stan and Thomas Middleditch. During our conversation, Stan talked about taking on a comedy as opposed to his work as The Winter Soldier. And Middleditch – who is especially charismatic as a much too nice friend of Hope – is terrific here. He puts up with a lot of stuff from Hope. Thomas lends a real warmth to his character and he and Melissa are a joy to watch together.

THE BRONZE will be hitting theatres this coming Friday, and if you are looking for something a little different, this may be the perfect move to make.


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3167 Articles Published

JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.