C’mon Hollywood #181

… stop with the political advice!
by Sturdy

I’m proud and very thankful that I live in a country that allows for a free election and gives people the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want. So in some sense, I guess I should be thankful that Hollywood actors and actresses are taking it upon themselves to make political videos and to voice their opinions on the upcoming election every chance they get. But with the notion of free speech in mind, allow me to share something with Hollywood: I don’t care who you’re voting for or what your political beliefs are, so don’t give me political advice!

The single best thing to happen in this year’s election.

If I want to know how to lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks, or who the best plastic surgeon in LA is, I’ll be more than willing to listen to what actors have to say. If I want to know who will be the next President of the United States, I’m not going to ask someone that dropped out of high school and thinks a delegate is someone that gets their coffee for them. Obviously, I’ll vote for the guy with the nicer tie, like any red-blooded American.

Okay, there are things that can be done to make me want to vote…(Warning: Clicking the link might be NSFW)

On some level, I can actually appreciate the intentions behind a movie star throwing out their political opinion during an interview. Maybe they were asked, or maybe they sincerely feel the issue is important enough for them to say something. Even though it’s annoying, I get it, I really do. What I don’t appreciate are these ridiculous voting videos they have actors doing these days. Check out the video below. Yes, it’s better than Puff Daddy’s “Vote or Die” campaign, but did it make you want to vote? Who’s the target audience for this video? Do actors really think that making a video like this is going to get more people out at the polls?

I don’t even know what this means.

You also have to put a lot of blame on the media for giving movie stars the voice to make them think their opinion in political matters is actually important. If you’ve gone to the web pages of CNN, Fox News, USA Today or any other news website, you’ve probably seen a headline proclaiming that a certain actor has given support to a candidate. First, no one gives a rat’s ass if Tom Selleck is voting for McCain or if Rosie O’Donnell is voting for Obama. Second, is it an actual news story when every moderately famous celebrity “announces” they are supporting a candidate? Seriously? Has the media really gotten so pathetic that this constitutes a news story? Wait, don’t answer that.

I love ya Matt, but I don’t care who you’re going to vote for.

We, as in people, give our celebrities way too much credit these days. We have this pressing need to heap all this praise and respect onto someone that can throw a football, sing a good song or act like a hero for two hours. It’s no wonder celebrities think people want to know who their voting for or how they feel about campaign financing. But I, for one, don’t care which Hollywood celebrity is voting for which candidate and frankly, I’m sick of listening to them talk about it.

Source: Joblo.com

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