Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick on shooting new scenes for Deadpool 2 re-release

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

After playing a little release-date shuffle back in September, 20th Century Fox was left with an open slot on December 21st, which they then filled with what was referred to as the UNTITLED DEADPOOL MOVIE, a film which was later revealed to be a PG-13 re-release of DEADPOOL 2. As Ryan Reynolds posted an image of Deadpool reading a story to Fred Savage in a nod to THE PRINCESS BRIDE on Twitter, it was also expected that this re-release would come with fresh footage.

While speaking with /Film, DEADPOOL 2 screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick said that they wrote the new scenes and went back into production with Ryan Reynolds and director David Leitch just two months ago.

We definitely shot new stuff, and recently too. After Deadpool 2 came out and we were all sitting around, we came to it less about the idea of let’s make a PG-13 movie and more, ‘Let’s talk a little bit about Deadpool.’ We were kicking around some ideas and then I think it was Ryan [Reynolds] who had the great framing device and we all  got excited and went to the studio. They said, ‘Yeah, let’s do it. Fire up the cameras.’ About two months ago we were out on soundstages shooting again. Ryan was in the suit and the gang was back together, Dave Leitch and Ryan and us having a great time and laughing. It comes together great so we’re super excited about it.

The idea of DEADPOOL filtered through a PG-13 rating may seem a little strange, but Paul Wernick hopes that not only will it attract younger viewers who weren't able to see the film the first time around, but that it will also give older fans a reason to come back as well. "I think it’s not only going to appeal to kids but also to people who love Deadpool," Wernick said. "I think it’s subversive enough and fun and creative and something that only Deadpool could do. So I think it’s going to be a real joy for not only a whole new audience, but also an audience that has seen and loved the Deadpool movies."

The PG-13 re-release fo DEADPOOL 2 will hit theaters on December 21, 2018. Will you be checking it out?

Source: /Film

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.