Last Updated on August 2, 2021

In an interview with Red Carpet News, horror icon Robert Englund discussed the ELM STREET remake and its rumored follow-up. Although what he's reporting is hearsay, who better to hear NIGHTMARE rumors from than Freddy himself? His current theory based on industry gossip is that the next film won't be another reboot, but an update of: A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS.
Here's his theory:
Well, I left America before this really sort of hit the tweets, and my only knowledge or gossip is that apparently they approached Tuesday Knight – she’s the young actress from NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET PART 4 who replaced Patricia Arquette. I was trying to think ‘what does that mean?’ They can’t possibly be remaking NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET part 1 again – they just did that. I think they may be remaking NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET PART 3.
This is all speculation. PART 3, DREAM WARRIORS, is the most successful film, and the most popular of the franchise. And it would make sense for them on a kind of NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET cinematic pun, to hire Tuesday to play the mother in PART 3, Patricia Arquette’s mother, because that would mean she’s playing her own mother. Obviously Tuesday’s older now, it kind of makes sense. So that’s my theory.
They’re not gonna bring me back for Freddy, but perhaps they would bring me back in a cameo as the elderly dream expert at the local clinic for dream analysis or dream therapy or something like that. Maybe they would be smart or wise enough to capitalize on that.
Honestly, if they're really serious about making another NIGHTMARE after the reviled remake, that's a great decision. It wouldn't make sense to remake FREDDY'S REVENGE, which was outside the continuity anyway, and skipping to the second most popular pick in the franchise might win back some of the fan esteem that was lost somewhere between Kellan Lutz and that grocery store scene.
It's a shame Englund isn't even in the running for the Freddy role considering how much of his life he has devoted to Mssr. Krueger, but maybe this will afford producers a chance to find an actor that can take a real crack at the role. If Tuesday Knight of all people can get in on this (Patricia Arquette has her Oscar now, so she's free to throw her weight around elsewhere), at least we can hope they're smart enough to bring him on in some capacity.
Check out the full interview below!

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