Serial subject Adnan Syed released from prison; new episode now out

Serial Adnan Syed

Adnan Syed, one of the key subjects of the first season of smash hit true crime podcast Serial, is being released from prison.

After spending over 22 years in prison, lawyers found information “concerning the possible involvement of two alternative suspects” other than Adnan Syed and that legal teams “have identified significant reliability issues regarding the most critical pieces of evidence at trial.” However, it is not outright being stated that Adnan Syed is not guilty.

According to the Baltimore City State’s Attorney, “We’re not yet declaring Adnan Syed is innocent…But we are declaring that in the interest of fairness and justice he is entitled to a new trial.”

Further, according to a public defender: “Given the stunning lack of reliable evidence implicating Mr. Syed, coupled with increasing evidence pointing to other suspects, this unjust conviction cannot stand.”

It has not yet been decided if prosecutors will go forward with a new trial. In the meantime, Adnan Syed will be monitored through an ankle bracelet.

Adnan Syed was serving a life sentence at the time for the murder of his girlfriend. The high school senior, Hae Min Lee, went missing in January 1999. When she turned up strangled, Adnan Syed was arrested.

The case was the focus of the first season of the podcast Serial, in which host Sarah Koenig did a serious deep-dive on its characters, its inconsistencies and its legacy. The in-depth research for season one of Serial, in addition to its handling of the Adnan Syed case, helped it win a Peabody Award, which “honors excellence in storytelling that reflects the social issues and the emerging voices of our day.” Serial was the first podcast to do so.

Fans of Serial will be happy to hear a new episode has dropped this morning.

Serial stands as one of the leading true crime podcasts and is currently in the top 20 shows on Apple Podcasts, as of publication.

Source: Deadline, CNN

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Mathew is an East Coast-based writer and film aficionado who has been working with periodically since 2006. When he’s not writing, you can find him on Letterboxd or at a local brewery. If he had the time, he would host the most exhaustive The Wonder Years rewatch podcast in the universe.