The Talisman: Steven Spielberg and Duffer Brothers team up for adaptation

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

After years of aping Stephen King and Steven Spielberg's styles on Netflix's Stranger Things, The Duffer Brothers will now be working with the real Spielberg to adapt an actual Stephen King story! THR reports that the directing duo will be adapting the King novel (which he co-wrote with Peter Straub) The Talisman into a series on (where else?) Netflix! Meanwhile, Stranger Things writer and executive producer Curtis Gwinn will be the showrunner.

Here's the official synopsis for the original novel (which the adaptation would presumably share as well):

Talisman tells of a 12-year old boy named Jack Sawyer who sets off on an epic road-trip quest in order to save his dying mother’s life. He is in search of the Talisman, a powerful relic that can not only heal his mother but, as he learns, save the world. Sawyer’s journey criss-crosses two realities: the America we know and its dangerous, fantasy-world twin, The Territories.

Now, no official start or release date as of yet, but we'll definitely keep you posted!

So what do you guys think? Fans of The Talisman? If so, looking forward to The Duffer Brothers adapting it? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Arrow in the Head

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