The UnPopular Opinion: Top 5 Underrated Movies of 2014

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Check out the Top 5 Overrated Movies of 2014 HERE

Well Schmoes, as 2014 draws to a close we reflect on a year of ups and downs at the movies, both critically and financially. There were some surprises in regards to which highly anticipated movies lived up to their trailers and marketing as well as some dark horses that came out of nowhere to really steal the show. But, if there is one thing for certain, there are always movies that are highly overrated and underrated by critics and fans alike.

As the UnPopular Opinion Guy, I felt it was only fitting to issue my list of the movies I felt that the masses got wrong. Some of these may shock you and some may just piss you off, but these are my honest to goodness perspective of the movies of 2014. If you disagree with any of the choices, please voice your own opinion in the talkback below. After all, the only opinion that really matters is yours, I am just here to share mine.


There have been four total ROBOCOP movies with only the first two worth watching. The original is really the best one but this updated version isn't half bad. Joel Kinnaman brings a humanity to the updated take on the character while the star-studded supporting cast really drives home the political subtext of the story. Yeah, it isn't the best movie of the year, but it is was still better than half the movies released this summer.


There is a lack of quality family movies that are not animated that could be held alongside movies like E.T., THE GOONIES, and FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR. EARTH TO ECHO is a fun ride of a movie that puts the found footage style to good use while managing to tell a profanity-free story that will keep kids of all ages engaged. Definitely worth watching for fans of science fiction looking for something that isn't post-apocalyptic.


There was a lot of hate for Seth MacFarlane's follow-up to TED, mostly because they were looking for a movie on par with that film. A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST shares a lot more in common with episodes of FAMILY GUY than it does to BLAZING SADDLES, but it still manages to be a fun couple of hours at the movies. There are plenty of laughs here even if they don't add up to a complete film. But I defy you to not watch this movie and at least laugh out loud a few times.


George Clooney's career as a director has been interesting as he does not seem to stick to a particular genre or subject. THE MONUMENTS MEN is clearly not the Oscar front-runner many expected after seeing the roster of talent on screen, but it is definitely a well-made World War II adventure. Cate Blanchett and Matt Damon steal the show while John Goodman and Bill Murray turn in nice performances as well. This may not be SAVING PRIVATE RYAN but it is still a well shot movie telling an important story from recent history.


There was little hope for the reboot of TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES from the moment fans heard the name Michael Bay, but somehow the filmmakers found a way to not let that stigma hold them back from delivering a fun movie. Could it have been better? Absolutely. But, this was not TRANSFORMERS or G.I. JOE. Jonathan Liebesman manages to direct a nice origin film that sets up a franchise that can go hog wild from here. This is a fun movie that deserves a wider audience.


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6070 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.