Travis Kelce says working with Adam Sandler on Happy Gilmore 2 was a dream come true

The Kansas City Chiefs star is breaking out into acting projects and couldn’t be happier to be involved in Sandler’s sequel.

Last Updated on January 16, 2025

travis kelce, happy gilmore

NFL tight end Travis Kelce is going into the playoffs with the Kansas City Chiefs, hoping to make another appearance at the biggest sports event of the year with a three-peat run. Kelce’s fame exceeds football [thanks in part to a very public relationship with pop star Taylor Swift] as he crosses over into acting projects. He has already hosted Saturday Night Live, made an appearance in Ryan Murphy’s latest horror show, Grotesquerie, and he even hosts the game show Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity? However, later this year, Kelce is set to make an appearance in Adam Sandler’s upcoming sequel Happy Gilmore 2.

According to Deadline, Kelce recently appeared on The Pat McAfee Show, where he was asked about working on the legacy sequel with Sandler. Kelce said,

That was a dream come true. I thought SNL was going to be the peak of my acting and showman or entertainment career … working with Happy Gilmore himself, the Sandman and Happy Productions, it was off the chain.”

He continued on to say, “They’re so professional and yet so fun to work with. I felt like I was working with like the [Chiefs coach] Andy Reid of the acting world. [Sandler] is every bit as cool off the screen as he is on the screen. That was a dream come true. That was awesome.” The tight end revealed that he was able to squeeze that project in during a Chiefs bye week and said that he’s in “a few scenes” and has “got a pretty hefty load.”

Adam Sandler is no stranger to working with athletes in his movies. Last year, he talked about working with the Chiefs star when he appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, “We have a nice something for Travis. He’s gonna come by.” Sandler continues to profess, “He’s a very nice guy. You guys would love him in real life. What a big, handsome guy. Funny and cool as hell. He’s a stud and he’s so funny.”

Kelce is also reportedly about to try his hand at action movies in the film Loose Cannons, from the creative team behind the John Wick franchise. The concept of the film “centers on how every police precinct, at least in this movie’s world, has a crazy, out of control, rule-breaking officer on staff. But rather than pair them with a straight arrow and by-the-book partner, the premise here is that an unhinged person is paired with someone just as out of line as they are. In Cannons, two loose cannons are forced to partner up after their precincts merge due to budget cuts and no one wants to work with them. The duo end up taking on the cases no one else can. The script is described as having tones of Lethal Weapon, Bad Boys and Rush Hour, all landmarks in the buddy action comedy genres.”

Source: Deadline, The Pat McAfee Show

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E.J. is a News Editor at JoBlo, as well as a Video Editor, Writer, and Narrator for some of the movie retrospectives on our JoBlo Originals YouTube channel, including Reel Action, Revisited and some of the Top 10 lists. He is a graduate of the film program at Missouri Western State University with concentrations in performance, writing, editing and directing.