Of all the merchandising possibilities someone could come up with, one thing I never would have envisioned is a line of rubber duckies that are designed to look like iconic movie characters. But that’s exactly what Numskull Designs’ Tubbz is: a line of rubber duckies that are said to be cosplaying as movie characters. And just in time for the Halloween season, Numskull has unveiled new Tubbz duckies that are inspired by the likes of Hannibal Lecter from The Silence of the Lambs, Bride of Chucky Tiffany, Carol Anne Freeling from Poltergeist, and Stephen King’s Carrie. You can take a look at these new Tubbz at the bottom of this article – or you can click over to the Tubbz page on the Numskull website and start shopping!
Since these duckies are currently First Edition Tubbz, they come in a collector’s bathtub, featuring the logo of the movies or franchises they’re from, with “First Edition” printed on the base of the duckie and a sticker on the packaging.
Here’s the info on Hannibal: Hannibal Lecter is looking terrifying. Even as a cosplaying duck you can’t afford to take any risks with this serial killer, so his face mask is firmly secured. Silence of the Lambs fans are sure to prefer this cosplaying duck version over the human!
The info on Tiffany: Tiffany has many faces, she’s gone from human to doll and now to a cosplaying duck and she still looks terrifying. As a TUBBZ collectable Tiffany still shows her love for Chucky with her tattoo, she’s wearing her leather jacket and her ‘Tiff’ necklace, just to make sure you know who she is.
The info on Carol Anne: Carol Anne looks super cute as she sits quietly watching TV. Hang on, what’s she doing? There’s something very weird going on. Not only is she talking to ghosts through the TV, she’s morphed into a cosplaying duck. Better add her to Horror collections then.
And here’s the info on Carrie: Carrie has had enough, she’s heading to the duck pond to see if the ducks treat her better than her so called friends at high school. Surely life as a cosplaying duck has to be better? Clearly not, she finds herself splattered in blood anyway, naughty ducks.
Each of these duckies are said to stand 3.54” (9cm) tall when outside of their tub display, although some may vary.
Are you a Tubbz collector? Will you be buying the Hannibal, Bride of Chucky Tiffany, Carol Anne Freeling, or Carrie duckies? Let us know by leaving a comment below.
Here’s what the new Tubbz look like:

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