Two new posters & stills for Spanish found footage thriller Atrocious

Last Updated on July 23, 2021

Now that we know Fernando Barreda Luna’s ATROCIOUS will be released later this month, Nabu Films has wisely issued a pair of new posters and a handful of stills from the Spanish found footage thriller. The posters are okay I suppose, but I really don’t like how they venally try to capitalize on the success of PARANORMAL ACTIVITY. Wackness!

With Cristian Valencia, Clara Moraleda, Chus Pereiro, Javi Doz Guzman, Jose Masegosa and Sergi Martin:

ATROCIOUS is a gruesome, mind-bending thriller shot in a style reminiscent of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. The horror film excerpts found footage from a film reel recovered by Spanish police, documenting a family of five discovering the truth behind a dangerous urban legend. The 37 hours of found footage follow Cristian and July Quintanilla passing time at their summer home by investigating a terrifying and mysterious urban legend. As their investigation intensifies, strange occurrences in and around the house escalate rapidly, culminating finally in unspeakable atrocities.

ATROCIOUS hits select AMC theaters August 17th.

Source: Nabu Films

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5376 Articles Published

Jake Dee is one of JoBlo’s most valued script writers, having written extensive, deep dives as a writer on WTF Happened to this Movie and it’s spin-off, WTF Really Happened to This Movie. In addition to video scripts, Jake has written news articles, movie reviews, book reviews, script reviews, set visits, Top 10 Lists (The Horror Ten Spot), Feature Articles The Test of Time and The Black Sheep, and more.