Will Jared Leto’s Morbius the Living Vampire be rated R?

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Sony's Marvel Comics adaptation MORBIUS (a.k.a. MORBIUS THE LIVING VAMPIRE) is rounding up one killer cast lead by Jared Leto plays the title character. Other actors attached include Adria Arjona as Morbius's fiancee Martine Bancroft, Jared Harris as Morbius's mentor, Tyrese  Gibson's as "an FBI agent trying to hunt down the living vampire," and former Doctor Who star Matt Smith is playing the film's villain, a man named Loxias Crown.

That's all well and good, but will the film be rated PG-13 or R? While some speculated the film could be rated R, producer Matt Tolmach cast doubt on those assumptions, saying:

I don’t think there’s a rule written somewhere in stone that all of them have to be one thing. I think we’ve all talked about, 'Well, if one of these presents itself in a way…' Look, we have all seen, as you’ve said, the R-rated versions of these movies now working. So, that’s out there. You can succeed to a staggering degree.

So basically, no, the film will not be rated R… but there is a chance. Okay, great. Thanks a lot for being vague, buddy. But it's all good as we were promised an R-rated VENOM flick last year and then when handed a PG-13 version when all was said and done. Basically, this gives me the mindset of not trusting a movie's rating until I see the MPAA badge next to it. 

MORBIUS was created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Gil Kane in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man #101 in 1971. He is Dr. Michael Morbius

a scientist who suffered from a rare blood disease and attempted to cure himself to disastrous results. Instead of being cured, he became afflicted with a condition that was a form of vampirism — the thirst for blood, along with fangs and super strength.

Daniel Espinosa is directing MORBIUS from a screenplay by Burk Sharpless and Matt Sazama. Avi Arad, Matt Tolmach, and Lucas Foster are producing the film, with Palak Patel overseeing the project for the studio. Currently filming in London, MORBIUS will be unleashed on July 31, 2020.

Source: comicbook.com

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