3 Stooges Coming

Hollywood loves a good remake. It’s a shame remakes don’t love Hollywood. That’s why the Farrelly Brothers’ attempt at a modern version of “The Three Stooges” must be met with much skepticism. Let’s ignore the fact that the brohans have not had a bonafied hit in years. The simple fact that the The Stooges have such a loyal, built-in cult following means an automatic backlash is at hand.

According to Peter Farrelly,

It’s not a biopic. It takes place in present day, and they look, dress and sound exactly like the Stooges.

Apparently the (per-Obama) state of their country is the primary MO of this film.

When the economy started turning, we felt like the world could use a Stooges slapfest. Bobby and I haven’t done a real physical comedy in a while, and it’s the most exciting thing we could think of now, to have people go to the movie, see some great slapstick fun family humor.

Now that this film is officially in the pipeline, one can only wonder…who will play the beloved stooges? If any of you have such aspirations, there is a nation-wide search for the most physically gifted of the trio, Curly. Good luck, fatsos.

Source: Variety

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