Cool Videos: Hilarious spoof of MTV Cribs goes inside a Stormtrooper’s home

First off I have to say that I had no idea Wookies made "the sweetest milk". Secondly, do you want the chance to get an inside look at a Stormtrooper’s bachelor pad? You wouldn’t think these guys would be living it up like this I bet; everything including the babes, or in this case, a single chained babe. A Gyrocopter in the driveway and cat memorial, this guy’s got it all!

The MTV Cribs series died a few years ago, I think they should resurrect it in this form. Each episode spoofs another character from a movie or TV show perhaps; it wouldn’t run for years mind you, but that’s not always a bad thing (hear that Catfish?).

Check out the video and look out for cameos from well-loved characters like Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett, C-3PO, R2-D2 and more!

Source: ScottDW

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