John Lasseter says no to a Marvel/Pixar team-up

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

When Disney bought Marvel, there were hopes from some that we would see a sweet crossover. Well, if you ask John Lasseter, that isn’t going to happen.

Personally, I think that Marvel needs some films to rival what DC animated has going on right now. I’ve heard that some of the Hulk animated films are good as well as the series, WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN.

So what were Lasseter’s thoughts on a possible Marvel/Pixar team up?

IGN: There’s always fanboy chatter about how they’d love to see Pixar take on a Marvel project. Have there been any real talks of doing that? There’s been a lot of rumors.

John Lasseter: No, Pixar, we are — Disney has been great. Bob Iger is phenomenal. I’m Chief Creative Officer of Disney Animation as well, and with Pixar it’s like, “Keep doing what you’re doing, guys.” It’s a filmmaker-driven studio. All of the ideas come from the filmmakers themselves. Working with the filmmakers on ideas.

IGN: So there probably wouldn’t be any kind of chance of seeing that kind of team-up then?

Lasseter: No, not at Pixar. We have The Incredibles, so we’ve done superheroes here ourselves and so we have that kind of history with Brad Bird doing The Incredibles.

Source: IGN

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