Semi-Pro wrestlers fight for their rights in the Bodyslam trailer

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

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Ronald McFondle, Eddie Van Glam, and other social outcasts made up the Seattle Semi-Pro (SSP) Wrestlers, an off-kilter family of cabaret fighters that spoofed the pros. When newcomer Paul, the Banana, fell on the wrong end of the joke, he ran to the government to disband the SSP. The following trailer captures the wrestlers' fight to keep the theatrics alive.

While I can't claim for any love for wrestling, this is one documentary (presented by Morgan Spurlock) that has some of my interest. After all, he's a wrestling league that most people have never heard of, and never will hear of, but a handful of people passionate enough to fight for it. Gotta respect that, I think. Either way, looks entertaining!.

BODYSLAM: REVENGE OF THE BANANA will be released on March 28, 2017.

Source: Made With Love Productions

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