Soundwave gets voice

Soundwave Last month an off-hand comment TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN co-scribe Robert Orci made about speaking with Leonard Nimoy about voicing the titular Fallen got fanboys a little giddy seeing as how Nimoy is an iconic-voiced cool dude and has previously voiced Galvatron in the animated Transformers movie. Since then the only thing that’s happened is that whenever Nimoy’s asked about it during interviews promoting the upcoming STAR TREK, he usually says something along the lines of “Michael Bay just has to ask”. However, UGO has recently managed to confirm one other Transformers cartoon voice actor who’ll be returning in REVENGE OF THE FALLEN – Frank Welker. The veteran voice actor who, over the years, has voiced Megatron, Galvatron, Wheelie, Soundwave and a bunch of others will be voicing Soundwave in the sequel.

Source: UGO

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