The Penis clip

likely to keep seeing the SUPERBAD
love on for the next couple of weeks as the film readies
to spread itself all over America come August 17th (might be the
last “big movie” of the summer). As you know, our very own
JimmyO already saw and reviewed the film for the site HERE
(he’s actually seen it 3 times already and still cracks up every
time, apparently) and so did some of us
other last week at the Con
, and we loved it as
well. The film is jam-packed with funny scenarios and even though
THIS ONE is pretty funny, I’d rather you NOT see it myself, only
because I think it’d be better as a surprise in the film, but
if you really want a good taste of what Judd Apatow and his gang of
foul-mouthed cohorts are up to this time around, check out the
very unique clip below.
