Stranger Things season 4 to resume shooting soon!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

THR reports that Georgia is trying to get productions up and going again, even though Covid cases continue to spike, as – according to the report – the state "has lured Hollywood productions in recent years with its uncapped film incentives program, says it plans to hire an estimated 40,000 production workers across roughly 75 upcoming productions. Together, those projects are expected to invest $2 billion into the state’s economy over the next 18 months." And while studios are wary of naming specific projects shooting in Georgia, sources tell THR that these include Disney+ projects like the LOKI show and FALCON AND WINTER SOLDIER, as well as Netflix's STRANGER THINGS.

However it seems like safety is a priority, as the state’s film commissioner – Lee Thomas – said in a statement: 

Thanks to the 'Best Practices' for set safety released by the state, in addition to the guidelines provided by the national guilds and unions, we look forward to helping thousands of crew members and support service personnel get back to work safely…It will help Georgia maintain its position as one of the busiest production locales worldwide.

Meanwhile, The Duffer Brothers have confirmed that the newest season will be about: 

The return of Hopper! Although it's not all good news for our 'American'; [Hopper] is imprisoned far from home in the snowy wasteland of Kamchatka, Russia, where he will face dangers both human… and other. Meanwhile, back in the States, a new horror is beginning to surface, something long buried, something that connects everything…

Obviously vague, but still sounds cool to me! I had my misgivings over the last few seasons after the first one, but there's always been enough good to make up for it. I'm definitely looking forward to the fourth (and possibly final?) season of the popular show!

Also, no official release date has been announced (obviously), but we'll keep you updated as more news comes in!

So what do you guys think? Any fans of STRANGER THINGS? If so, looking forward to the new season? Either way, sound off below!

Source: THR

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