Cate Blanchett officially signs on to Eli Roth’s Borderlands movie

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

It's no secret that videogame movies have a bad track record, containing some of the worst films ever made *cough*HOUSEOFTHEDEAD*cough*. But, hey, maybe things are changing. DETECTIVE PIKACHU was actually a legitimately good children's film, and SONIC – while not great – at least wasn't a total dumpster fire.

And while I'm not sure how I feel about Eli Roth's upcoming BORDERLANDS film, it's at least starting off on the right foot casting-wise, as none other than Cate Blanchett has taken on the role of Lilith, "a siren and legendary thief equipped with magical skills".

This will be Roth and Blanchett's second collaboration together (as they both worked on the Jack Black-starring children's film THE HOUSE WITH A CLOCK IN ITS WALLS). Anyway, here's what Roth had to say about the casting:

I’m so lucky to have the amazing Cate Blanchett starring in Borderlands. We had the most incredible collaboration together on The House with a Clock in Its Walls, and I believe there’s nothing she can’t do. From drama to comedy and now action, Cate makes every scene sing. Working with her is truly a director’s dream come true, and I feel so fortunate that I get to do it again on an even bigger scale. Everyone brings their A-game to work with Cate, and I know together we’re going to create another iconic character in her already storied career.

Meanwhile, here's the official synopsis for the post-apocalyptic sci-fi game franchise:

Pandora is believed to be rich with mineral wealth leading several interstellar megacorporations to send colony ships there to capitalize on it, but once they arrive, they find little of value outside of undecipherable alien artifacts from a race known as the Eridians, and numerous native lifeforms make it too dangerous. Many of the corporations abandon the planet, leaving behind their workforce, former prisoners coerced into employment, who take over much of the planet as bandits and raiders. However, a study of the alien artifacts leads to the discovery of mythical Vaults filled with untold treasure and wealth. Corporations and military forces return to the planet, along with a number of Vault Hunters who seek to find the vaults themselves.

So what do you guys think? Fans of the game? If so, what do you think of Blanchett playing Lilith? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Lionsgate

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