Ben Affleck is a victim of the economic crisis in The Company Men trailer

Well, this was certainly depressing laced with a bit of hope.

Yahoo Movies premiered the trailer for THE COMPANY MEN. The film played at Sundance this year and did fairly well with audiences. Ben Affleck stars as an executive who suddenly looses his high profile job due to downsizing. He must then try to pick up the pieces of his life and find something more for himself. I think this really does look like a great film, especially with Affleck starring opposite Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones, Chris Cooper, and Coach Craig T. Nelson.

“One of the first casualties of a corporate downsize is Bobby Walker (Affleck), a hot-shot sales executive who is living the idyllic life—complete with two kids and a mortgaged picket fence. His boss, and founder of the company, doesn’t take Bobby’s severance well, and he storms into the boardroom to demand a reprieve of the severe measures. He learns quickly that some choices are out of his hands, and this is only the beginning. We embark on a journey that is all too familiar in today’s recessionary economy: one that will test friendships, loyalties, and family bonds.”

Check out the trailer below.

Source: Yahoo! Movies, Sundance Film Festival

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