Cool Videos: [the films of] Christopher Nolan

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Hey Nolan fanboys and girls, I’ve got something I want to share with you. YouTube user keesvdijkhuizen has put together another [the films of] recently and guess who he chose? Yep, you guessed it– Christopher Nolan.

I remember the first Nolan film I was exposed to way back in 2000 was MEMENTO. I was truly wowed by the story telling in reverse and was actually quite inspired by the entire thing. From then on I wanted every piece of Nolan work I could get my hands on. I’ve never really deeply disliked anything that Nolan has created. One of his films that I really love that I notice gets quite a bit of flack is INSOMNIA.

Enough of my thoughts, check out this Nolan tribute that covers everything from FOLLOWING to INCEPTION.

Source: YouTube

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