First Hurt Locker poster

Considering I just discovered and wrote about Kathryn Bigelow’s Iraq war action pic THE HURT LOCKER yesterday, it’s a little odd to be presenting everyone with the teaser poster today, but that’s exactly what I’m doing. It’s an artful little piece of movie marketing with a great tagline. When you see the title THE HURT LOCKER, the first thought that pops up is ‘what the hell is that?’, and then the tagline comes along and answers the question for you in a way that begs you to see this. It’s actually quite brilliant. The title also reminds me of JARHEAD, kind of an army colloquialism that you’ll only be in on once you see the film. I believe the man looking at us is one of the film’s young stars, Brian Geraghty, but I could be wrong. Either way, cigarettes mid street warfare is pretty chills.Click on the poster to ENLARGE.

Source: Cinematical

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