Damaged Review

Rating: 6/10

Samuel L Jackson chews a ton of scenery in this crime thriller, but little else fails to captivate in what’s sure to be a polarizing film.

Blackout Review

Rating: 7/10

Review: Larry Fessenden puts his stamp on the idea of the wolf man with his new horror film Blackout, starring Alex Hurt and Addison Timlin

The First Omen Review

Rating: 8/10

The First Omen is a surprisingly potent prequel to Richard Donner’s original film, with it both faithful and capable of being its own thing..

Baghead Review

Rating: 5/10

While Freya Allen continues to be a great lead actress, nearly every other element in Baghead fails her and gives us a dumb film.

Sting Review

Rating: 8/10

Wyrmwood director Kiah Roache-Turner returns with the spider-from-space creature feature Sting, coming soon to theatres

Immaculate Review

Rating: 7/10

Immaculate is a mostly standard horror flick, but the wild ending and terrific performance by Sydney Sweeney elevates it.

Sleeping Dogs Review

Rating: 7/10

Despite some silly narrative choices, this mystery feels straight out of the 90s and features another great Crowe performance.

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