INT: Jovovich/Zahn

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

Zahn is an impressive character actor who is well known for his
personification of comedic and side-kick roles such as HAPPY TEXAS,
DADDY DAY CARE and SAHARA. Milla Jovovich is a stunning model turned
actress, who’s kicked major ass in films like THE FIFTH ELEMENT,
RESIDENT EVIL and ULTRAVIOLET. At first, I thought they would make
an odd couple. However, it totally made sense after seeing the
leading pair cast together in David Twohy’s forthcoming thriller
(read Chris Bumbray’s review

Zahn and Jovovich play the perfectly giddy honeymooners, who embark
on an adventurous and suspenseful journey on the legendary trails of
Kauai. As the news of serial
killers loose on the island spreads, so does the fear, and
cat-and-mouse game of survival. Especially
when they encounter other couples on the way.
I had the pleasure of interviewing the
charismatic and playful pair last week, who sincerely
appeared to have had a blast working together!
Jovovich was super sweet, bubbly and genuinely beautiful.
Zahn was funny, adorable and endearing.
Check out what they had to say about prepping for a
physically challenging film, working together, and upcoming

Source: AITH

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