Jeffrey Wright praises the mystery element of the upcoming The Batman!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

With anticipation mounting for the upcoming Batman reboot, THE BATMAN, star Jeffrey Wright – who's playing this iteration of Commissioner Gordon – recently conducted an interview with SiriusXM, where he talked about the film, including not recognizing Colin Farrell as The Penguin, the cool Batmobile, and the mystery element of the film. You can watch the whole interview at the top of the article, but here are some snippets below: 

First of all the script, when I read the script I said to myself ‘yeah, this is on it’. Because as you described about Westworld, you know, this show is very much about mystery, Batman, the series. You go back to the original, it’s DC, it’s Detective Comics and the script is really beholden to that, beholden to this idea of Batman is the world’s greatest detective. I think, as Gary Oldman once described, you know Gordon is something of a Watson to him. The script honors that and also sets a tone that’s very clear and a tone that’s been captured in that trailer…

…And I think one of the aspects of the script that I was really stoked about was the Batmobile, the way it was described. It was described as this kind of retro, hyper-modified muscle car, that’s just the craziest coolest thing you’d ever seen. And when I read that I said ‘aha, yes.’ Because what it’s trying to achieve and what it does achieve is to create an accessibility for our Gotham, a world that is tangible and grounded in a very familiar reality. But at the same time it’s still fantastical, it’s still tweaked.

And here's the official synopsis:

In his second year of fighting crime, Batman (Robert Pattinson) explores the corruption that plagues Gotham City and how it may tie to his own family, in addition to coming into conflict with a serial killer known as the Riddler (Paul Dano).

Meanwhile, THE BATMAN will brood into theaters October 1st, 2021…but we'll keep you updated if there are any delays or changes.

So what do you guys think? Still excited for THE BATMAN? Either way, sound off below!

Source: SiriusXM

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