Jennifer Kent & Niki Caro reportedly in the running to direct Captain Marvel

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

Captain Marvel Jennifer Kent Niki Caro Banner

On the heels of yesterday's news that Brie Larson is the frontrunner to play the titular role in CAPTAIN MARVEL comes word from The Hollywood Reporter that a couple of filmmakers have emerged as contenders to direct the comic book movie.

Sources tell the publication that Jennifer Kent (THE BABADOOK) and Niki Caro (WHALE RIDER, NORTH COUNTRY) are both in the running to helm CAPTAIN MARVEL. Kent made her directorial debut with the critically acclaimed horror film, while Caro most recently directed MCFARLAND, USA, and she is currently doing post-production work on her upcoming World War II drama THE ZOOKEEPER'S WIFE. Although she isn't mentioned in THR's report, the rumor is Marvel might also be considering Elizabeth Wood (WHITE GIRL) to direct the studio's first female-led superhero flick.

A couple of months ago Kevin Feige said a director will likely be announced in the next month or two, so we should know for sure who will be behind the camera for CAPTAIN MARVEL in the very near future.

CAPTAIN MARVEL is scheduled to open on March 8, 2019.

Source: THR

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