John Leguizamo says he nearly played Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming

Last Updated on February 15, 2023

john leguizamo vulture spider-man

When Spider-man had officially made his Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance in Captain America: Civil War, then teased a subsequent solo outing in the post-credits scene, fans rejoiced that not only was there a refresher from the polarizing Amazing Spider-Man series but the webhead even started his MCU run interacting with other established fan favorites of the Marvel world. Spider-man: Homecoming marked his first solo movie and the Vulture was not only one of the popular comics villain, but he would also be played by Batman himself, Michael Keaton.

Variety has just learned that John Leguizamo was just about to strap the winged suit on when he had to give it up to Keaton. “I was supposed to be the Vulture. We had negotiated and I was about to play him, and they said that Michael Keaton wanted it back and they asked me if I would give it up. I said, ‘Well, okay I guess.’ They said, ‘No, we’ll work with you again, we’re gonna…’ That’s what happened there.”

According to Leguizamo, in quick consolation for giving up the role, he was “offered something tiny,” to which the actor responded, “I went, ‘Nuh uh.’” Interestingly, Keaton took the role after appearing in the Academy Award-winning Birdman, which some would say, had some critical views about dramatic actors taking on roles in blockbuster summer popcorn flicks, specifically the superhero genre. However fans of the actor was just glad to see him back in larger profile roles, especially in the genre that we all grew up watching him in. Little did we know that we were even going to get him back in the caped crusader role in the upcoming The Flash.

Spider-man: Homecoming opened to predictably huge success and grossed $880 million worldwide. Keaton’s Vulture character had been set up for a possible return in a future sequel, yet, he has, so far, shown up in the origin film to the Spider-man auxiliary character, Morbius. That movie would become the butt of jokes and critical thrashing as it only grossed $167 million worldwide.

Leguizamo can be seen in the villain role in last year’s Violent Night which is currently available on digital.

Source: Variety

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E.J. is a News Editor at JoBlo, as well as a Video Editor, Writer, and Narrator for some of the movie retrospectives on our JoBlo Originals YouTube channel, including Reel Action, Revisited and some of the Top 10 lists. He is a graduate of the film program at Missouri Western State University with concentrations in performance, writing, editing and directing.