Excl: Shooter pics

As per my point about
our site yesterday,
it was real nice of Paramount to toss us 5 exclusive pictures
from their upcoming action thriller SHOOTER,
but it was even nicer of them to include 1 picture of Kate
Mara, who if she plays her cards right, might end up being one of
JoBlo.com’s favorite new hotties. Yum-yum.

But back to the point at
hand, the film SHOOTER is directed by a man whom I respect, Antoine
Fuqua, and stars Marky Mark as a former Marine sniper who is asked
to "return to service" after Danny "He’s too old for
this shit" Glover seemingly begs him to do so. Check out the
film’s very cool trailer HERE
for more on that, and check out the film’s OFFICIAL
if you want more info on the movie, which opens wide on
March 16th. As for Ms. Mara, I don’t know too much about the lady,
but so far, so good! PS: Dang, seems like Mike Sampson is
two steps ahead of me
, as usual. Damn you, Sampson!!

click images to enlarge/especially the 1st one —

Source: JoBlo.com