Famke Janssen wants to return to X-Men as an older Jean Grey

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

When it comes to the X-Men Universe, DAYS OF FUTURE PAST has gone and pulled a STAR TREK. That is to say, there are now two separate timelines of which events have played out. And why not? It allows the franchise to explore new territory without erasing what's come before. In some cases, it even allows characters to interact with their younger (and newly cast) selves. Sophie Turner will be taking over the Jean Grey mantle from Famke Janssen, but if Janssen has her way, you may see her down the road. In speaking with Entertainment Weekly, she opened up about the new casting and her desire to return to the franchise.

Famke Janssen on speaking with Sophie Turner:

She emailed me before she started filming wanting some pointers and I said, ‘You don’t need any. You’re perfect. You’re great.’ So I can’t wait to see the movie and what she’s done with it.

Regarding her thoughts on being recast:

I’m actually really excited about it. And its not the first time obviously that it’s happened. In the X-Men series, they’ve been doing this for years. Although women, it’s interesting because they’re replaced, and the older versions – or more mature, whatever the politically correct version of that is – are never to be seen again. Whereas the men are allowed to be both ages. Sexism. I think that I should be back along with my younger version and the way that we’ve seen it with Magneto and Professor X.

Whether or not she's expressed interest to return to the franchise:

Yes, I have. I have not heard any feedback on that, other than total radio silence.

Now, I wouldn't jump on the whole "sexism" angle so fast because, from the standpoint of the story, it's gotta make sense why we would see her character interact with her younger self. To Janssen's credit, if you listen to the sound clip, the folks at Entertainment Weekly are all like, "What's up with that?!?", so they kinda "got her there," if that makes sense. Still, I would not be opposed to seeing Janssen return in some form or fashion. It's shame they completely botched her Dark Phoenix story, but maybe there's room to see her do more.

The next X-Men adventure, X-MEN: APOCALYPSE, hits theaters on May 27th.

Source: Entertainment Weekly

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