Tom Cruise dashes & charms during chase shoot on M:I 6

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

We may get a new James Bond every once in a while, but there’s only one Ethan Hunt – Tom Cruise. The man has been playing the character for 20 years, bringing us joy with classic stunts, ageless gusto and various hairstyles, each thick as a lion’s mane. He returns as Hunt in MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 6 next year and Cruise doing his own stunts is still a valued tradition. You can see him gearing up for what will be a sick final motorcycle chase in a new set video below.

The video takes place on-location in Paris, and sees director Christopher McQuarrie guiding Cruise through the scene and working with new cinematographer Rob Hardy (EX MACHINA). There are plenty of spectators around, so no explosions or really anything big, but the video features plenty of Cruise on a motorbike.

This is a great piece of footage to watch for anyone looking to see how this stuff comes to life, as we’re watching people map out the scene, walk through and analyze the location and Cruise be charming as hell after every take. Ah, movie magic.

The scene may not be bursting with crashes and swerves, but it’s still fun as hell to watch Cruise back at it again. We saw him pull of some sweet bike work in ROGUE NATION, so it’s awesome to see his skills will be put back to use. As well Cruise still seems to be having a ton of fun with the series, so chances are good M:I 7 could be coming our way. I’m calling it now, you heard it here first, not taksies-backsises.

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 6 is set for July 27, 2018.

Source: StormShadow

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