Warren Beatty says he still wants to make another Dick Tracy film

Warren Beatty has been talking about a sequel to 1990’s DICK TRACY since, well, 1990. But in the 21 years since that film hit theaters, Beatty has only starred in four films and he’s notoriously sluggish in moving projects forward. But last night at a DICK TRACY screening in Los Angeles, Beatty reiterated that he wants to make a DICK TRACY sequel and the time may be sooner rather than later.

Beatty flatly said, “I’m gonna make another one,” when asked about a sequel adding, “I think I’ll feel better if I make this movie.”

I know the Beatty film has its admirers (including Beatty himself who seems very fond of both his film and the material) but I wasn’t much of a fan as a kid (despite the fact that I had camped out to see it) and revisited it recently and didn’t like it much more. There are some great aspects to it but overall never worked for me.

To his credit, it sounds like Beatty is trying to modernize TRACY with big-budget effects and CGI. He told the audience of the style he employed for the original film, I can tell you that the matte paintings…they move me.

Would you be interested in a DICK TRACY sequel? And what are your thoughts on the original?

Source: Slashfilm

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