New Strike Backs!!

UPDATE: We had a few technical bugs in our new STRIKE BACKs over the past week or so, but they should be fixed by now. If you’re still having some issues, please email me directly. Thanks!

Hey folks, JoBlo here. We’re always trying to make
the site better for ya’ll and our latest STRIKE BACK overhaul is the
latest example of that. In case you didn’t notice, we’ve added some
new features to our STRIKE BACK section below, which I’ll be
describing here.

1) First of all, if you look at the TOP of the
article (see image below), you’ll notice that the # of comments
are now shown at the top of the write-ups, alongside a link to push
you right down to the STRIKE BACK section (just click on STRIKE BACK
below!). There is also a new meter called the HEATER
in the middle which will automatically show you the
% of people who responded positively to the story, as opposed
to those who didn’t care for the news in the article. In other
words, if we
post the latest BASTERDS movie poster
and the meter says 70%,
than 7 out of 10 of you have apparently enjoyed the poster. And so
forth… 😉 Remember that a BUNCH of studio people read the site, so
let your voices be heard!!

2) Right above the actual STRIKE BACK section
(see image below), you’ll notice that we’ve now streamlined all that
shit that was there before. You can now EMAIL the article to a
, PRINT the article properly, use any of our RSS
to follow any of the sections within our movie network,
use SHARE THIS to share the article on Digg, Facebook and all
those crazy places, click on SEND US A SCOOP if you want to
(you guessed it!)…send us a scoop and finally, click on JOBLO
on Twitter
, to follow us on Twitter — which makes little
sense since you’re already here in the first place!!!

3) In terms of posting your comments, you just need
to register
if you haven’t already
, and then POST away! You don’t
have to include a TITLE to your comments — although you can
— but you MUST choose one of the 3 "rating" options
to let us know (and Hollywood!!) if you’re HIP TO THE NEWS in the
article, if you think it’s a BAD IDEA or if you’re just neutral for
now. The GREEN BARS represent a
equal neutrality. Your picks will determine the article’s HEATER
at the very top. You’ll also notice that you can
now EXPAND all comments and show the comments in a variety of ways (Oldest
first / Newest first / Most Popular firs
t). Progress, I guess…

4) And last, but certainly not least, we’ve added
the THUMBS UP/THUMBS DOWN options on each comment, which anyone
(no need to be a member) can click on to boost that person’s comment
popularity. You can also REPLY to someone’s comment by
clicking on REPLY TO THIS POST inside each comment (although
your reply won’t count toward the HEATER METER) and ADD the member
as a FRIEND of yours, etc..

Oh and remember that you can EDIT your own
comments as well, so stop double-posting, yo!! 😉 Phew.

Oh and these same changes will be happening to our ARROW
sites veddy veddy soonl!!

Finally, if you haven’t already done so, go to your
and choose one of the 1,000+ different avatars we have
for your usage (for God’s sakes pick one, man…don’t be boring).
Those peeps without an avatar chosen will get a default JOBLO logo
inserted into their comments — but we’d MUCH RATHER you chose an
avatar, so do so now!!! Oh, you can also ask one of our
contributors to set you up with your own custom-made avatar, so go
and ask the good folks if they can help you out with
that. The maximum dimensions are 90×90 for them. Enjoy!!
